Skin boosters
Skin boosters are an injectable treatment to improve the quality of your skin from within.
They can be beneficial for a number of different skin complaints, or solely as a feel good treatment.
They differ from Botox and filler, but can be a good adjunct to either treatment modality.
Skin boosters contain a variety of substances to boost your skin from within. This cocktail of vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid and other substances will work wonders for your skin. The ingredients will work in harmony to brighten your skin, reduce fine lines, hydrate the skin, improve the texture and tone, and give the skin an overall fresh, lustrous appearance.
The treatment is safe to receive and it should not impact on your daily activities. The treated area may have little raised bumps and redness for a short time after treatment. In most these will disappear an hour or 2 after treatment, in some they will take 24 hours to settle completely. You may suffer from bruising after your treatment. This is usually minimal and will appear as very small dots in a few of the injection sites. These should be easily covered with concealer the day after treatment. To minimise bruising, there are a number of steps you can take;
Avoid excessive exercise in the 48 hours surrounding your treatment.
Avoid alcohol in the 48 hours surrounding your treatment. Stop taking supplements containing omega 3 or fish oils 2 weeks before your treatment. Read the ingredients of any multivitamins you take over the counter.
Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen around the time of your treatment, unless prescribed by your doctor. Never stop taking prescribed medications unless advised by your medical team.
Take arnica tablets before and after your treatment and use the arnica and aftercare provided.
Avoid exfoliating 48hrs post treatment.
Leave the area clean and dry.
Drink plenty of water.