Induction Therapy
After you have a micro-needling procedure, some side effects are to be expected. When you leave your appointment, your skin may be flushed or bright red, as if you have spent the entire day out in the sun and have mild to moderate sunburn.
The redness and swelling will most likely persist for 24 hours or slightly longer. Even with careful aftercare, there isn’t much you can do to get rid of the redness immediately after micro-needling.
Covering up the redness with makeup is one of the worst things you can do, as the makeup will block the pores on your newly exposed skin and might even cause breakouts. You’ll need to have some patience as the redness subsides, but in the meantime, you can apply gentle, unscented products with natural ingredients to get some relief.
Swelling and some skin peeling are all considered to be within the realm of normal up to 48 hours after the procedure. Other side effects, like bumps, breakouts, and dry skin, are also within the scope of what you may experience after micro-needling, but not everyone will experience them.
Taking care of your skin with moisturizer and gentle cleansers can make your side effects as minimal as possible
Recovery Time
60 Minutes: Reddening and possible spot bleeding, pores still open.
Up to 24 hours: Rash, red dots, minor swelling.
1 – 2 days: Rash, red dots, reduced swelling, minor itching, dry/tight sensation.
2 – 3 days: Reduced rash, fading of red dots, dissipated swelling, reduced itching, minor skin flaking.
3 – 4 days: Potential slight dryness.
4 – 5 days: Full recovery with normalised function.
3 weeks: Improvement in pigmentation begins.
4 – 6 weeks: Improvements in lines, wrinkles and scarring begins.
Micro-needling Aftercare Tips
1. Avoid the sun after microneedling Stay out of the sun and it goes without saying to avoid the sun-bed or the solarium. As a general rule, you should reach for sunscreen whenever you are exposed to the sun, for the first 2 weeks after micro-needling. Sunscreen should be worn everyday regardless, but it is extra important to protect your healing skin from sun damage during the recovery process. Always use sun screen SPF30 or above. Do not apply chemical sunscreen the same day as treatment. Only use approved physical defense sunscreen.
2. Avoid active topical skin care products after micro-needling Don’t use any products that have active ingredients such as retinol or alpha acids since these can irritate your skin even more. Only use products that your micro-needling practitioner has recommended.
3. Do not use makeup after micro-needling It is vital that you let your skin breathe for 24 hours after the treatment. The skin channels are open, and applying makeup can penetrate the pores causing further irritation. You should wait 24 to 48 hours before using makeup, leaving enough time for the skin to recover.
4. Applying face masks after micro-needling You can use a cooling and hydrating face mask to give your skin a quick break. Also, this will help with any inflammation, just make sure you use a mild, and not a harsh mask.
5. Avoid intensive exercise that will make you sweat Sweating will cause your pores to reopen, meaning that any bacteria will be able to enter the skin punctures. This can lead to a either a reaction or infection. This means you should skip the gym, and you also have a good excuse to avoid intensive house chores in the first 3 – 4 days!
6. Avoid long hot baths and showers after micro-needling Don’t take a bath for 1 day, and don’t go for long baths and showers during the first week of your recovery. Avoid spas and saunas.
7. Do not swim after micro-needling Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools or the ocean.
8. Avoid tattooing after micro-needling This includes cosmetic tattooing such as Micro-blading.
9. Avoid further clinical treatments after micro-needling These include but are not limited to microdermabrasion, laser, IPL, chemical peels and muscle stimulation.
10. Avoid spray tan (or self-tanning) after micro-needling Do not apply spray tanning or fake tanning creams for 2 – 3 weeks after the treatment.